Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Vinni : Patrick : Tyrell

This week, Stephen Whittington literally threw the floor open to whoever had the nerve to take it. The end results were contributions from three people about EMU: Vinni Bhagat, Patrick McCartney and Tyrell Blackburn (you can find them at; and respectively)

So, first cab off the rank was Vinni who did a live performance of a song inspired by a jazz singer he'd encountered. Unfortunately she has declined to take part in the song which is a great shame. Apparently it wasn't her "style", which I find both frustrating and understandable. The performance consisted of a rather long introduction piece with live piano and manipulated, looped cymbals which then scooted into a more tangible eclectic computer composition.
[inspiration via the heavens is what we used to call creativity >]

I've often thought of my own music as procrastination music. It just happens when i sit down in front of a computer. So when I heard that Vinni had composed a song inspired by someone else, it made me feel like the world we live in is not such a bland un-inspirational place. In fact i know its not, but in this post modern world i often find it hard to draw inspiration outside of personal things which only i find interesting. It means though that my music means a lot to me, but absolutely nothing for somebody else; it is intended for my ears only if you like. Vinni however was inspired enough to produce something for someone else and i say thumbs up for that.

The unstoppable Patrick McCartney was next with another interesting idea. He's found a planetarium and wants to put on a benefit gig there. If you don't know what a planetarium is its a big domed ceiling that i'm lead to believe you can watch stars, and thus the universe, from. Its up at Mawson Lakes (university SA campus?) and there are people up there who know how to zoom in to different parts of space and the like. Sounds ace! Coincidently, if anyone is interested then contact him, via his blog (mentioned above). Patrick has also set up a charity which he plans to give whatever proceeds are collected though i don't know exactly what for. [this is a picture of it ^]

Finally it was Tyrell's turn to show us some music that he picked up from somewhere. It was from an artist called Ryoji Ikeda, a Japanese electronic composer working from New York. The music was very glitch/micro beatish and i'm sure that he's sampled beeps from either a sony walkman or minidisc. The music swung from micronic incomprehension to bare simplicities - sometimes with a sampled strings - it was intriguing, really. Stephan asked Tyrell why he liked the music and the response was cryptic to say the least. I do however understand, firstly it's hard music to categorise and this is mainly because it doesn't sit easily next to other genres. Although the glitch/micro beat genres are slowly penetrating wider consciousness they are still unfamiliar territory to most. I like it. Its a very different music, kind of ethereal in the same way Bebop is to swing. >>>


Blogger John said...


The Planetarium gig idea sounds great hey, I actually did the astronomy course there about 4 years ago, it's a very nice, comfy environment, well suited to a musical performance of a different variety....

June 07, 2006 2:50 PM  
Blogger Tyrell Blackburn said...

Yes, I appreciate Stephen's question, but it was a very difficult one to answer. I've understood in my mind why I like the music, but I've never really thought about how to explain to someone else why I liked it. I think the answer I had in my mind was too abstract.

I was wondering what people might think of the music. It was slow to develop so I was worried I might bore one too many people. It seems as though enough people got something out of it, so that's all that really matters.

June 10, 2006 12:19 PM  

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